The Berlin Club is a funny place to be when you’re supposed to be stranded in Dubai.
Michael/Juliano/et al never sent me this photo, but a he did send it to someone else he was scamming. And that is how I found Michael Scheibe, by doing a reverse image search.
Michael/Juliano/et al said he liked to fish. He neglected to say “catfish.”
“Michael” sent this to me one day, when he was treating his crew to a much needed day off. In reality, Michael Scheibe was in Dubai for business trip.
“Michael” said that he was having lunch with one of his equipment contractors, to discuss how to manage the “accident” that supposedly claimed the life of a worker. There was no accident.
“Michael” leaving North Carolina for Dubai.
“Michael,” a widower, explained that he would take off his wedding ring when he fell in love. If you notice, there’s a large red design under the shirt, which is, in reality, part of the Wee logo.
This site is dedicated to the relentlessly fun pursuit of catfish and romance scammer Michael Anderson AKA Juliano Cruz AKA Donald (Georgi) Brown. In real life the image belongs to Michael Scheibe, a Swiss businessman who seems to have nothing to do with the scams.